Friday, July 22, 2011

The Dollar Bubble

This is a great video -- It certainly makes people think!!

Good Luck,


The Day the Dollar Died

Here's a potential scenario and it's something to be aware of if the US defaults on it's debt.

Best of Luck,


Boehner Abandoning Debt Talks : Roll Call News

How the Court works | International Court of Justice


This is a wild one that you should take a look at deeper!!! Thank you Highlander...

How the Court works | International Court of Justice


"Scooter's Diatribe": The Economics of the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation

Hi Folks,

Here's the Audio from last nights discussion. I wish to thank the people at Revalue.US for hosting this event and the discussion was outstanding!!!

ReValue.US Conference Call Audio, 6-21-2011 -- Enoch8, Highlander, and Scooter

I hope you enjoy,


"Scooter's Diatribe": The Economics of the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation: "TONIGHT'S DISCUSSION The Economics of the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation ENJOY, SCOOTER"